She Married Her Son and Tricked Her Daughter Into Marriage Too

This mother was obsessed with marrying her own children

Patricia and her daughter Misty — image from

A Google search of the name Patricia Ann Spann will take you to a strange bio of a woman whose listed spouses are exactly similar to her listed biological children.

This story is about huge deception, manipulation, and disgusting behavior from a woman estranged from her three children. When she finally located them, she used the opportunity to tie herself to them using unspeakable ways.

In Oklahoma, U.S.A., in 2001, Patricia Ann Spann lost her husband, James D Spann. The couple had three children together: two boys, Jody Span Jr, Cody Spann, and a girl, Misty Velvet Dawn Spann.

But, due to unspecified reasons, Patricia lost custody of her children soon after her husband’s death. The children’s paternal grandmother adopted the three children and filled in as their biological mother on legal documents.

She Dated and Then Married Her Son

Thus, the children grew up in the care of their paternal grandmother until some became young adults.

They never got the chance to see their birth mother during that period. After many years, Patricia introduced herself as a potential date to her eighteen-year-old son, Jody, in 2007.

Jody, who was unaware that Patricia was his birth mother, got married to her in 2008. But, in 2010, when Jody discovered that Patricia was his biological mother, he ended the marriage.

Jody stated that the reason for the annulment was due to incest since he had no clue that Patricia was his biological mother.

Patricia Manipulated Her Daughter Into an Incest Marriage

In 2014, Patricia got the opportunity to reunite with her daughter, Misty. According to reports, the two immediately “hit it off.” And, on March 26th, 2016, the then forty-six-year-old Patricia and her then twenty-five-year-old daughter got married.

Patricia managed to legally marry her children, as she was not listed anywhere on her children’s birth certificates. And, when she got married to Misty, Patricia used the name Patricia Ann Clayton in place of her real name.

According to Misty, Patricia convinced her that their marriage was legal. Patricia claimed she had done her research on the laws surrounding the issue.

Patricia Failed to Mary Her Second Son

Patricia’s sons, Jody and Cody — image from

It seems Patricia aimed to marry all her children as her third son Cody agreed that, “She only tried it once, and I told her to get lost. I would never be with my biological mom. That is disgusting. I came from that woman.”

Cody also believed that Patricia took advantage of his siblings and the fact that they wanted to fill in the void of not having a mother.

“Did she take advantage of the fact that we found her and actually wanted to be a part of her life? Yeah, she did. She took big advantage of it. It could have been. ‘Look we reunited you with your kids, be in your kids’ lives,’ but no, she wants to be with her kids (romantically). That is sick.” —Cody

The Aftermath

In August 2016, a child welfare official became aware of the incest marriage between Patricia and Misty. This led to the arrest of the two in September that year. Misty was sentenced to ten years of probation.

She also filed for an annulment soon after her arrest. And in October 2017, Misty was given an annulment of the marriage.

In January 2018, Patricia underwent a trial. Patricia pled guilty to felony incest charges. She was sentenced to two years behind bars and an additional eight years of probation. And Patricia had to be registered as a sex offender when she was released.