His Wife Hired a Hitman, so He Faked His Own Death and Caught Her

I slept with the enemy (his wife) with one eye open” — Ramon

Ramon Sosa(also pictured fake dead) and Lulu Dorantes — image from dailymail.co.uk

When Ramon met Lulu in a totally accidental situation, he had no idea about the drastic turn his life was about to take. Lulu accidentally stepped on Ramon’s foot, and from that moment, one thing led to another.

The two newly met strangers danced together the rest of the night, and they later went home together. That was only the beginning of their love story.

From the Dance Floor to the Marriage Altar

Ramon Sosa, who lived in Houston, USA, and his wife, Lulu Dorantes, originally from Mexico, met in 2007. At that time, Lulu was a mother of two, divorced, and had just come out of an abusive relationship.

According to Ramon, he was immediately drawn to Lulu as she was very beautiful. Above that, Lulu could dance.

Even though Ramon spotted a lot of red flags from the moment they met, he decided to ignore them and got into a relationship with Lulu. The couple got married about a year later.

And, at their small wedding, Lulu’s mother walked up to Ramon and whispered in his ear, “Now she’s your trouble.”

What She Meant by “Now She’s Your Trouble.”

After their marriage, the couple worked together at the gyms they owned in Houston, Texas. And they were doing very well financially, bringing in around $18,000 to $20,000 a month in profit.

Lulu grew selfish and wanted all the financial gains for herself, which led to her brilliant plan. Eliminating her husband!

“But then as the relationship went on, and she saw how well we were doing financially…she was here on a visitor’s visa from Mexico City, and then she became an American citizen after three years…I was beginning to think that she didn’t need me anymore, that she wanted it all without me.” — Ramon.

As the couple’s relationship got rocky, they figured that the best way was to get a divorce. But before they could, something unexpected happened.

Something Unexpected Happened

In June 2015, Ramon received a call from a young man, Mundo.

Over the years, Mundo had become more like a son to Ramon. And, on that day, Mundo had a very important message for him, “Hey, pops, you know this lady, she wants to kill you…. I’m talking about Lulu, she wants to kill you.”

According to Mundo, he was working out at the gym when he overheard Lulu and her daughter’s conversation. It turned out Lulu was planning to hire people from Mexico to eliminate Ramon.

Mundo managed to convince Lulu that he knew people who could perfectly carry out the murder. So, after informing Ramon about the ordeal that was about to befall him, Ramon informed the police.

But, the police informed Ramon that there was nothing they could do about the situation based on ‘conversations between a husband and angry wife, as threatening as they sounded.’ Ramon and Mundo decided that the best way to go about the situation was to acquire enough information first and then involve the police.

Ramon and Mundo bought two disposable phones to carry out the operation.

Operation “Catch the Traitor Living in Your House”

Mundo pretended he had hired a hitman. And he constantly shared conversations with Lulu that he had with the hitman.

In reality, Ramon, the target victim, was the one who pretended to be the hitman. In addition, Mundo recorded his calls with Lulu in which they discussed about the hitman’s job.

Ramon started carrying a gun around.

Ramon feared that Lulu’s patience might run out, and she would hire another hitman. He started carrying a gun to protect himself in case of danger. Even as he slept, Ramon kept a loaded gun underneath his pillow.

When the duo was equipped with enough evidence, they took the matter to the police.

The policeman who helped to investigate the murder-for-hire plot was Lieutenant Mike Atkins. So, with the help of law enforcement, the plan to trap Lulu continued.

On July 20th, the police sent an undercover agent, who pretended to be a hitman, to Lulu, to whom she confirmed her plan to get her husband killed.

Lulu communicated to the hitman that she would make a down payment and then complete the debt after Ramon’s death. The shocking detail was Lulu gave the hitman watches, wedding wrap bands, and bracelets that belonged to Ramon.

In short, Lulu used Ramon’s jewelry as a down payment for his murder.

Planning to Take a Picture of Ramon — “Dead.”

The next step was to show Lulu pictures of Ramon, apparently ‘dead.’

The police used actual pictures of dead people to help recreate a fake death for Ramon. With the help of makeup, the police made it seem like Ramon was killed from a shot on the side of his head.

Then, they created a murder scene in which Ramon lay in a grave with his hands behind his back and dirt on his body. Then they took pictures of him.

The undercover agent or ‘hitman’ showed the pictures to Lulu

On July 23rd, 2015, the hitman showed the pictures of Ramon, dead, to Lulu. Lulu could not even hide how happy she was about her husband’s death. She laughed hard and showed no signs of shock.

The Aftermath: They Got Her

Equipped with all the evidence, the police made their next move the next day.

They visited Lulu and questioned her about an apparently missing person, Ramon. And Lulu was more than happy to answer their questions, portraying that she was clueless about the situation.

Lulu was arrested immediately.

Because all the evidence pointed at her, Lulu chose not to go to trial. Instead, she took a 20-year plea deal in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. If she had gone to trial instead, the probability that Lulu would have gotten a life sentence was very high.